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Saturday, February 4, 2012

Birth Plans

      Yup.  You read that right.  I have birth planS.  Three in fact.  I'm still surprised at how many women don't know about putting together a birth plan.  I think most people just assume that the doctors and nurses know what they're doing and there's no reason to assume that you would do things differently.  While I understand that mindset, I also believe that doctors and nurses are doing things for their benefit and time.  I also think that they can get so used to doing things a certain way that they don't give much thought to other ways of thinking.  Please don't think I'm trying to put any of these professionals down, I just like being able to do things the way I believe is necessary.  At any rate, I have three birth plans to accommodate the different scenarios in which I may end up delivering my baby girl.  You can read each of them by clicking on the link attached to each. 

      Something that's important to remember is that I'm not expecting things to exactly according to plan.  That should be obvious considering how many plans I have.  Haha.  Mostly, I want to atmosphere to comfortable and relaxing.  Considering how uncomfortable I will be, shouldn't I try to make the environment one that puts me at ease? 

      I'm curious, has anyone else made a birth plan for any of their deliveries?  I was talking to a friend of mine who hadn't heard of them before her pregnancy and she said something about it made sense that doctors and nurses not liking them because they get in the way of their job.  I don't think I can say that that's a good reason to keep from making one.  Again, I know that things don't always go according to plan, but should I have to give up my opinions and beliefs because it's inconvenient?    I don't think so Tim.  You probably have, indeed, made a birth plan, but just didn't put it in writing.  As long as you are getting the birth experience you are striving for, I'd say you're doing pretty dang good.  


  1. I made a birth plan with my son, Aiden. It really put me at ease and made the entire process that much more "real" to me. :) With my daughter, and this pregnancy, I've learned to become more vocal... so I just tell the nurse straight out what I want. I've learned that the more you remind them what you want the more inclined they are to following it. A paper plan can get lost in all the excitement. Hold your ground! Good luck friend!

    1. You're so right! My birth plan will really mean nothing if I don't speak up. Those people are busy and it's up to me to tell them what I want.

  2. My birth plan was this: go to hospital, have healthy baby, come home.

  3. maybe i've just delivered at awesome hospitals with great drs. and nurses. But never once have they done anything that I didn't want them to do. and never once did they do something without my concent first. and I know this is true because they did everything either in the room or David went with the baby. the baby was never unattended by at least one parent. Nurses are there to help us and make us the most comfortable and actually there job is easier when they do things the way the patient wants. unless of course it is something crazy and over the top. But for the most part I think hospitals and nurses get a bad rep from people who actually have never delivered in a hospital and just assume they can't have things done the way they want them done. I'm not saying you have to have your baby in the hospital. I'm actually fascinated by homebirths and all of that. BUT I think you also have a false idea of what the hospital is really like. Most drs. like you to have a birth plan whether it is actually written down or not you talk about everything you want done before the big day.

    And if people had a dr. that did something they told them not to do well then that dr. is not very good and they need to switch!

    1. I don't think I would say that I have a false idea of what the hospital is like, granted I don't have the experience. Mostly, I just to be prepared for the situations where I might need to tell them that I want to do something different than what they typically do. I might come off a bit more strong in this post because I feel like I need to be prepared to be forceful if necessary. I've heard from many people who have done hospital births that that is the attitude you have to take at times in order to have your desires met.

  4. I read through your plans and I just had one question. you said you wanted to exhaust all options before cesarean. but then you put into cap locks no forceps or vacuum. so would you rather have a C section before the forceps or vacuum were tried? Just something that sort of seemed to contradict itself. Good Luck, i hope everything works out how you want, it will be amazing!

    1. When I say to exhaust all options, I meant that as trying different ways to help labor progress. There are definitely cases where Cesarean is necessary, but I seem to hear and read more cases where it's because labor isn't progressing as hoped for. I would need them to fully explain why they believed a C-section was necessary, but if I felt that I agreed with them, then I would choose a Cesarean. In the case of Cesarean over Forceps or Vacuum delivery, I would definitely choose Cesarean as I would rather have my body manipulated than my baby's, making those two options the two exceptions to "anything before a C-section".

    2. that makes sense. I hope you don't have to have a cesarean. they are no fun!

  5. Jenny, I did make a birth plan and used it. What I learned is to keep it really short. DJ, my OB, and I always have the conversation around 34 weeks where we go into detail and my ob takes notes. We go over all of my concerns and needs. What I bring with me though is a very short list that a nurse or DJ can look at quickly. My list is:

    Don't offer any pain medications, I know my options and will ask if I need something.

    Unless my life or the baby's life is at risk, give us time to make a decision.

    I want to be free to walk the halls, sit on an exercise ball, or sit in the shower.

    I want to avoid Pitocin.

    No episiotomy.

    As long as the baby is healthy, I want to hold him for up to an hour after delivery before weighing and bathing.

    I want to Breastfeed to release the placenta.

    Those are my absolute must haves. I did have a back up plan for a c-section. Just remember most women don't need them and as long as you're doing your part, i.e. changing positions, being patient through transition, waiting to push till your feel the urge, etc. you won't need one unless an emergency arises or your are one of the few women whose body just does not dilate properly. You've definitely done you're homework so you'll do great.


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