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Friday, January 20, 2012

Midwife Appointment at 34 Weeks and 36 Weeks

I decided to combined these two visits into one post because they were only two weeks apart and the first one was shorter.

34 Weeks    

      Um, really?  The time is getting very far away from me.

      This appointment was a little bit shorter than normal because she was with another patient and I think she wasn't informed we were there. :)  We talked about getting all of the things we need for baby and birth.  I'm still not ready and trying to get everything together.  Gah!  I'm running out of time!  Ginger brought up a few things that will be helpful such as olive oil for the baby's bottom to assist with keeping her newborn poopies from sticking to her sensitive skin.  She reminded us of the different stages of pushing.  THE RING OF FIRE!  I've heard about this from so many and I'm trying my best to mentally prepare for this.  We talked about about her Prep Tea that she offers to her expecting moms.  It's exactly what it sounds like, a tea that will help prep my body and hopefully make me more efficient during labor.

      Stretch marks have finally appeared.  I can handle it.  I've had stretch marks forever from being "bigger boned" and "fluffy".  These are different from what I already have though.  Regardless, I've succumb to the fact that it happens, I'm not the only one who gets them, and that's life.  Oh wells. Also, feeling the shortness of breath.  She sits high and her feet push up when she moves and stretches.

      During the exam, per her usual, baby girl was on the right side.  She's down low, but not "in position" low.  I'm now far enough along that when we do the exams, it's uncomfortable and I always end up with what Ginger calls a "tight tight" (aka Braxton Hicks contraction).  By the time I get it though we've finished.  Yay!

36 Weeks

      What an interesting an crazy day!  That morning we received a blanket of snow and the roads were barely used.  Ginger called me that morning because everyone else had cancelled and wanted to know if I was still planning on coming.  She said she didn't mind coming in and we would still have a chiropractic appointment for Ty afterwards so we just decided to make the drive and keep our appointment.  The roads were not lovely and I repeatedly told Ty I was glad he was driving and I didn't have to.  If it were just me, I would have rescheduled.  I'm not a great winter driver.  I'm the person people get mad at.  :)

      She asked if baby was moving well.  Um, yeah, she's fine.  There's not much room for her in there and it gets rather uncomfortable...for me.  This girl is strong.  Someone asked me if she's a soccer player.  Oh yes, soccer player, boxer, gymnast.  We also talked about vaccinations, which ones are usual and she let us know pros and cons of each so that we can make up our minds as to which ones we will want to give to her.  Another reminder was given that if I go into labor at night to call her house.  During the day, call either her cell or pager and leave a voicemail on either.

     My feet and hands haven't really swollen yet, which is great.  Only if I'm REALLY warm or am not able to put my feet up at some point.  Either way, it's easily remedied.  Ginger also suggested lying on my side with the outer leg elevated above my heart until the swelling goes down and then switch sides.  We talked about the tub, which she will be providing us for free, luckily (on loan of course), and she gave us an adapter to the sink for the hose that will fill the tub.  She also gave us instructions on how to clean both the tub and the hose and how to prepare the bed for labor and birth.  We also talked briefly about how I will be staying upstairs for the first three days.  I had said something about this on Facebook and a few people were confused by it because they were fine and were concerned I'd go stir crazy.  My answer to this is I want to make sure I am healing properly and I still plan on having the same social online interaction I've always had by keeping my laptop and books next to me.  If I'm doing well enough to walk downstairs then sure, but for now the plan is to stick to my room, baby's room, and the bathroom, unless there is some serious need for me to do otherwise, for which I can't foresee. 

       During the exam, baby girl was extremely active!  Which was a little uncomfortable for momma.  Once again, she was the right side.  While feeling for her, baby elbowed Ginger.  ;)  She does NOT like the little amount of space she has to be invaded.  Haha.  I was measured, but didn't catch what I was measuring at.  Before we left we purchased the birth kit and the prep tea.  I still can't believe that it's getting so close!  Gah!!!  We'll start seeing her every week now.


  1. The ring of fire. haha! You just have to remember that it will go away once the baby is out and to just PUSH through it! You will do great! So close Jenny! Soo close!!!!

  2. Wow, so exciting! You're so close now. It's so fun to feel babies move around, right? I found it comforting. It's kinda weird at the same time though. :) You'll get to see her cute little face soon enough!

  3. I haven't been on blogs in TWO DAYS!? What is going on with me. I can't believe I missed a post with such good information! You are so close to having this little girl. I cannot wait!


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