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Thursday, February 11, 2010

Grateful for Netflix

As happy as I was to have the sun out and about, it apparently didn't want to stick around and the weather soon turned to grey clouds and sprinkles of rain. Today is following suit and in fact, the sprinkles have turned to larger drops.

I woke up feeling groggy, sick tummy, and a headache.  The weather seems appropriate, as I plan to snuggle deep within a comfy blanket an immerse myself in a good Netflix Instant movie.

I'm really grateful for Netflix for having the idea to make movies instant.  Almost as grateful as I am to my wonderfully talented hubby who hooked up a computer to the TV so we could have an additional computer in the house, as well as being able to watch missed episodes (or Netflix movies) through the internet on the big screen.  So, even though my body isn't all that happy.  My soul is rejoicing!  : )  In case you haven't already discovered this, I'm easy to please.


  1. I don't know what I'd do without Netflix. Granted, I do tend to leave movies on top of my TV for weeks (maybe months) at a time, but those instant flicks are perfect.

    I hope you watch something good!

  2. Nathan did the same thing to our computer. I love it!

  3. You should totally check out the movie Wives and Daughters, I think you might like it. It is a BBC production. I hope your body gets feeling better. Thanks so much for your help last week!

  4. Do you guys have a wii or ps3? If so Netflix has free disks do you can watch without having to plug in your computer! It's great! The Wii one isn't quite out yet, but it will be soon. The PS3 one has been out for a few months, and we LOVE it!!!

  5. yes, i love netflixs. we are waiting on the wii instant that comes out in the spring... yeah!


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