Holy Lil' Smokies! Did ya miss me? I've missed you.
So much has happened since our crazy reunion events. Seriously, I could write a book about all the stuff that's happen, but I'll just have to settle for a blog post. The things I could tell you!
I could tell you about the free tickets we got from Ty's work to go to the Tri-cities Dust Devils baseball game. How I wasn't all that excited. Baseball is for the birds. Maybe, it's my ADD talking, but I get so bored and can't figure out what's really going on. Regardless we went, got a free meal, watched a bit of the game, and I pined for popcorn. The aroma was coming from all sides and taunting me. I have no willpower when it comes to butter.
I could tell you about how I left my cute hubby for a few days and went to my mom and pop's to visit and help my brother and sister-in-law, Steven and Jenny, pack up before moving. How we went to the Grant Co. Fair and saw animals,
I just noticed that kid in the back. I don't know what he is doing. We have no association with this child.
My niece, Kamrie, with her goat that she sold @ fair.
saw a llama spit on somebody,
one of my nieces and one of my nephews milked a goat (I will leave out the visual. You are welcome.), ate yummy food, and watched my niece, Sammy, fearlessly, get thrown into the air.
She got so excited and I'm pretty sure the kid who was helping her achieve maximum air had just as much fun seeing how far she would go and that she was all giggles.
I could go into great detail about the Chocolate covered Strawberry Kabobs we saw fit to devour within seconds of receiving. Somebody out there is going to make millions with that. BEST TREAT EVER. There are no pictures for there was no time. Remember what I said about the devouring?
one of my nieces and one of my nephews milked a goat (I will leave out the visual. You are welcome.), ate yummy food, and watched my niece, Sammy, fearlessly, get thrown into the air.
I could go into great detail about the Chocolate covered Strawberry Kabobs we saw fit to devour within seconds of receiving. Somebody out there is going to make millions with that. BEST TREAT EVER. There are no pictures for there was no time. Remember what I said about the devouring?
I could tell you about how I again left the cute husband for a few days and spent some time with my sister-in-law and kids while my brother was still working before being able to move with them. (Phew! I need to learn how to shorten sentences, instead of making them run on and on forever and the end barely in sight.)
How we went to the zoo,
What?! How'd that get here?!
which ended with us leaving to take little Jakers to the ER after he fell on his head and got an ouchie.
Luckily, they glued it instead of giving him stitches. I kept thinking the doctor reminded me of someone, but I couldn't figure out who it was. Then it hit me. Joe Zee from Elle Magazine, also seen on MTV's The City. I wonder what kind of look the doctor would have given me if I told him that.
I could also tell you about how we took the kids on a ferry ride the next day.
How we ate at a really yummy place called the "Grub Hut". Because with a name like that, how could you not?
My sister-in-law got the Hawaiian 5-0, while I played it safe with a regular cheeseburger. You can never go wrong with a classic.
How adorable the kids are when they are all sleeping in their carseats at the same time.
How gorgeous the scenery is in Seattle and I may have to convince cute husband to someday move there.
I could tell you how my other sister-in-law, Danielle, had a whopping 10 lbs. 2 oz. baby boy they named Beckham Campbell. How we got to see him when he was only 8 or 9 hours old.
I could tell you about how I finally took out the S'more set I had sitting in its box for years, and never did anything with, and put it to good use. How I'm so excited to have this new/old toy.
I could tell you about how our TV went broke-dead a few months ago and the place we took it to couldn't find the piece that needed to be replaced because they don't make this particular TV anymore. How I had had it with watching movies on our laptop and we bought a TV we found on craigslist for $35.
How my cute husband, Ty, is a genius man and decided to keep the broke-dead TV just in case we were able to find the piece we needed, even though I was fully prepared to purchase a lovely new TV. Then, out of nowhere, he ends up finding the piece online and fixes the TV himself, saving us hundreds of the money stuff we like so much.
I could tell you all about that stuff.
Instead I'm going to tell you about how we MOVED!
Our lease had run up and we were continuing on a month-to-month basis. Though we truly loved where we were (TWO bathrooms, lovely painted walls, close to a million different grocery stores, wonderful ward), we still felt the loss of a few things. Including our dearly missed couch that WOULD NOT fit through the door and was kindly being stowed away in my parents garage until further notice. I decided to hit the Craigslist to see what I could find. As luck would have it, a place in Richland, close to where Ty works, was soon to be available. Many things about this place were enticing. A nicely sized backyard, a finished basement for storage, Central Heating & Air (a luxury we have never enjoyed as a married couple), a kitchen to rival the one I was currently squeezing into. There were a few cons to it, just like with anything else. Probably the biggest thing being that we had to down-size to one little bathroom. We decided to overlook it and were thrilled when we found out that we would be moving in. The actual moving in is a story all on its own that I'll save for another post. For now, here's a few pictures of my living room and kitchen.
I know. You love what I've done with the place, right?
Okay seriously. We've only been here for a few days and our progress is only as fast as when Ty is home to help me lift the big stuff. Last night he did manage to hook up the TV so we could watch Chuck and Castle. Where would I be with out him? (Ty, not Chuck and/or Castle.) I also was able to unload all of the books in the office.
They are now organized just the way I want them. I like that part of moving. Having a fresh start. I'm excited to get that with everywhere else in the house. Until then, we won't be having any wild and crazy parties.
I hate moving!!! But having a fresh star is SO nice! Good luck with your unpacking/organizing! And when you're settled, we'll be ready to help you break the place in! :)
ReplyDeleteFINALLY you blog. I've beginning to wonder where you went. Glad yer back. :)