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Sunday, May 31, 2020

My First Hospital Birth Experience:Amelia’s Birth Story

Amelia’s Birth Story

5/30 Thursday 
I was getting the girls snacks ready and started feeling a few cramps here and there, but didn’t want to jump the gun into thinking I was having a contractions. So, the girls and I enjoyed a snack outside while I had a bit of discomfort. 

I kept feeling the cramps and thought even if I wasn’t heading straight into labor, I wanted to keep track of what was happening. 

The contractions were really inconsistent. They would be anywhere between 10-30 minutes in between contractions. The girls were in bed by this time and my parents up in the room room they were staying in and we were trying to decide whether or not to stay awake and see what happens or to try and just go to sleep. 

My contractions started to pick up and get closer together. We decided to pack up and get to the hospital since it’s a 15-20 minute drive and we figured better safe than sorry. I had been texting with my doula to let her know so she could meet us there. 

We had arrived at the hospital and my contractions were between 3-5 minutes apart and lasting about a minute. We went straight to labor and delivery, where they put us in a triage room. They had me change into my gown and when I came out we gave them our birth plan. They strapped me up to the monitor, but just to begin checking. The nurse checked my dilation and said that I was a “stretchy” 7. So maybe almost an 8. 

Kjell (pronounced Shell), my doula had arrived just as our nurse was about to take us back to our delivery room. Once in the room, they were able unstrap me from all the monitors and would plan to periodically check the baby through a Doppler. 

5/31 Friday
I didn’t want to lay in bed while I labored. Partly because everything slowed down when I did and as soon as I got up things picked up again. I wanted to get things moving. I know my body and squatting has always been the best way for me to labor. They offered me a birthing ball and I said “YES!” right away. Having Kjell there to help with my pain management was SO helpful. With Ty on one hip and her on another, they squeezed my hips together providing a bit of relief. She would also press down on my shoulders as a gentle reminder to relax my body, instead of tightening up. I moaned through each contraction, which were coming quickly and closer together. The sounds I made reminded me of Gollum from the 70’s cartoon version of The Hobbit. Hahaha. It sounds funny to think of, but really getting that low with my voice helped quite a bit. 

Soon I was feeling the baby moving down into the birth canal and the urge to push presented itself. I let everyone in the room know and the nurses quickly went to grabbed the on call OB, who looked too young to know what happens during birth. 

I was leaning over the side of the bed, still somewhat squatting, while Kjell had my hands in hers offering support. Ty next to me stroking my hair. I looked around for a moment and the others apart of the delivery team were nonchalantly getting things ready and chatting. It almost felt like they didn’t realize this baby was about to make her debut and someone should get into position to catch her. With the feeling to push, I did my part and my water broke. Luckily, the OB was getting in position at the right time. 

As I pushed, I tried to be slow and not rush it so I could try to avoid tearing more than necessary, all the while feeling the ring of fire. At one point, I had pushed her head out. I rested for a moment and waited for the next urge. When it came, I pushed out the rest of my baby girl who let out a good cry. The doctor handed her to me and I was so relieved to have that part behind me.

Amelia Katherine was born!

She was COVERED in vernix. We all commented that she was the most vernixy baby any of us had ever seen. And the most hungry. As soon as she was on my chest she started rooting around, desperate for something to eat. I offered her my breast and she latched immediately. While she ate, I tried to deliver the placenta. It took 45 minutes, but not before a few large blood clots. I had remembered it had taken Addy’s placenta a long time as well, but this felt like an eternity. And almost more painful. We had also let them know about having her cord blood sent for testing for Cystic Fibrosis. We gave them the paperwork and they took her sample and had it sent off right away. 

Afterwards, the nurse was commenting that I was looking pale and she was starting to become concerned that I was loosing too much blood. At first, I brushed it off because I felt just fine. About 20 minutes later she brought it up again, and right then I did start to feel lightheaded and sick to my stomach. It was time to get Amelia’s vitals and Ty had just taken her from me anyway. The nurse had been very observant and was able to lay me down and gave me a shot of Pitocin. I started feeling better right away. They set me up with an IV of fluids as well. 

After about 45 minutes, they had me shower quickly and get cleaned off. I was doing alright until just after I was done drying off. I slowly walked over to the bed and started feeling lightheaded again. Ty called for the nurse as I laid back down. This time, they gave me some fluids, as well as an IV of Pitocin to try and stop the bleeding. Amelia was swaddled and sweetly resting in her bassinet. Before moving me to a recovery room, they wanted me to finished off the IV and see how I was feeling after that. We slept a bit until they came back in and then we were finally taken to recovery. 

Little Amelia continue to be constantly hungry and I nursed frequently. Because we had come in in the middle of the night, and things continued to go well after my bleeding got back under control, we only had to stay one night and went home on Saturday. We have absolutely loved having our Amelia. So far the older girls haven’t shown jealousy, but only lots of love and admiration for their sweet baby sister. They want to hold her all the time. I can’t blame them. She’s too lovable!


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